Elections issues important to families living along the Ingraham Trail east of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.
Elections issues important to families living along the Ingraham Trail east of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.
Roughly one quarter of the NWT’s workforce comes from outside the NWT and $400 million leaves the territory never to return.
A decision to sell 50-50 lot for $1 clear sign of a failing economy So why did it happen Yellowknife City Council was forced to sell a lot
Daycare is one of those make-or-break issues that can force families to make hard choices – leave or give up a job. I know this personally, having raised five children in Yellowknife. It was always difficult to find spaces, but not impossible. Now it’s getting close to impossible. Cost is
Indigenous governments, organizations and academics are at work researching, funding, designing and building On-The-Land Healing facilities across the NWT. Here is a list of a few. Please let me know of others so we can tell the public of the important work being done. Inuvialuit Regional Corporation “Land Project Jewel
While the GNWT steams ahead with its unworkable Polytechnic University scheme featuring a gleaming campus atop Tin Can Hill, there is another plan unnoticed by the media and MLAs that makes much more sense. Let’s call it Plan E, as in E for Education and E for the NWT Economy.
Report cards in school can be a hard lesson. But a bad report card is better than a good one that doesn’t tell students where they truly stand. Unfortunately, in hopes of maintaining a positive environment, our department of education and education ministers try to water down the results in
Skyrocketing food prices are increasingly burdening communities in the Northwest Territories, exacerbating economic disparities and demanding urgent policy intervention for equitable and sustainable solutions.
If we want to get our economy going in the right direction, we have to understand where to make the right investment.
The two graphs above show communities with the lowest salaries pay the highest prices. Coincidentally, or not, they are all Dene, Metis and Inuvialuit communities. These are mostly GNWT positions too. As someone who ran a NWT-wide business, our profits were healthier when Inuvik, Norman Wells, Fort Simpson, Hay River
The GNWT Polar Bear Should Share The Cost Of Living Pain And Return The NWT Fuel Tax To Northerners. In the short term, people are looking for relief, especially with the federal carbon tax putting another log on the raging inflation fire scorching Northern families. The most obvious target is
The legislative assembly spends most of its money on what’s good for government rather than on good government for the Dene, Metis and Inuvialuit of the NWT The budget just passed with one MLA opposed tells the sad story of the NWT for the past 56 years. The civil service
With a new Aurora College board now appointed “at long last” as Minister RJ Simpson said with considerable pride, it’s important to remember what brought us here. The college has robust roots and held a lot of hope for a lot of people through the eighties and nineties through to
Nine MLAs Voted To For Rental Relief For Elders Most Northerners like the idea of consensus in the NWT. Few are passionate about party politics. Consensus-style assemblies make for a healthier workplace than Ottawa and the provinces but is it good government for the people of the NWT? Not when
What’s Gone Up and What’s Gone Down The largest problem facing the NWT is housing. In 2006, 5.7% of the budget was spent on housing. In 2024, the GNWT intends to spend 3%. Apparently, if we listen to cabinet who listens to their senior civil servants, it’s the federal government’s