Remarkable Educational Outcomes Celebrated by Mi’kmaw Following Local Control of Schooling

Mi'kmaw women dressed in colourful ceremonial clothing
Blaire Gould is the Executive Director of Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey. She comes from the Mi’kmaqdistrict of Unama’ki and is a proud L’nu’skw and speaker.

Blaire Gould is the Executive Director of Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey. She comes from the Mi’kmaqdistrict of Unama’ki and is a proud L’nu’skw and speaker. She strives to advance the educational opportunities and rights for the Mi’kmaq people. Blaire has continued to pursue new and innovating ways to infuse language and culture into the 21st century.

Blaire completed her Masters in Education at STFX, her Bachelor of Education from STFX, and obtained her undergrad from CBU.

Over the past 10 years, Blaire has worked in several different roles for Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey. She began her career as the Mi’kmaw Language Coordinator and moved on to become the Director ofPrograms and Services. She has worked with some amazing teams to develop apps and our very own assessment called L’nuimk. She has also been very fortunate work with our Language Advisory committee and the Education Working Group.

Blaire lives in Eskasoni with her husband Tandy. They have 4 children and 3 dogs. In her free time she attends her children’s recreational activities which include dance, archery, athletics, hockey and baseball. She also enjoys going on vacations and adventures with her family and loves to collect baskets and Indigenous earrings.

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